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Public Hearing for the New 280 page Development Ordinance extended to August 16th at 6:00 p.m. because OVER 90  people came to the July meeting, 47 in person and 45 on zoom, with concerns about the impact of adding so many new laws.

Please read the new 280 pages of laws for Nehalem and the Urban Growth Boundary which will be law as of September 11, 2023, unless you speak up. There may be other laws being passed that concern you which I have not brought attention to here.

NEW Concerning Items:


Nehalem has a water moratorium and drought…how can the planning commission think about increasing density exponentially?

On August 14, 2023, this Monday, at the city council meeting, Brian Moore (Nehalem public works director) stated  “120 gal/min goes into the [water treatment] plant…. 170,000 gallons per day are being used currently.” 

Simple math:

120 g/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr / day = 172,800 gallons per day is the maximum  amount of water possible for our system to  make.

According to our public works director,  we are using 170,000 gallons per day. WE ARE AT MAXIMUM CAPACITY!!! There is currently no way to increase water service to accommodate increased housing density.

By the way, only half of the water being used is by residential properties.  Per the 2022 Nehalem Water Study whereby the city determined to raise water rates, the average home in Nehalem used 3,359 gallons of water per month.  That is 110 gallons per day for a household.  There are 742 households.  That is a total of 81,600 gallons per day being used by the residents.  That is only 48% of the water usage. There are about 10 huge water users that are using the other 52 %. The new water ordinance of 2022 states huge users can be cut off if they are impacting the other users:

 51.05 (F) (2) ”The city may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to premises where excessive demand by one customer may result in inadequate service to others.”  

WE ARE THE EXISTING OTHERS. At Monday’s city council meeting it was discussed that the city is ABOUT TO GO TO STAGE 3….ISSUING FINES FOR EXCESSIVE USE, WATERING YARDS AND GARDENS.   The city of Manzanita public works director Dan Weitzel at their August 2023 city council meeting stated they will not have the intergovernmental agreement for the water system intertie approved until October, where Nehalem will be able to use water from Manzanita in a 4” pipe for emergencies, not regular use.  If the city wishes to increase density the huge users will have to be disconnected.  Is the city ready to close the pool? Or stop providing water to the dairy on Mc Donald road? I don’t think so. But we are at max capacity and can not increase density.  

Existing Ordinance 157.388 (D) 

“Development anticipated to result from the proposed change shall not impair the actual or the legally-designated uses of neighboring properties. (Ord. 80-2, passed 06/14/2010)”

Per the city manager’s staff report, the planning commission must decide  to recommend or stop the proposed 280 pages of new laws based on criteria in the Nehalem Zoning Ordinance Sections 157.387-157.388.

A gentleman at the July planning commission meeting had a good point that he wouldn’t have bought in Riverview Meadows if he had known there would ever be 4 plexes (and it is actually multiplexes that will be approved for all buildable lots for most of the UBG and city of Nehalem, this means apartments).   Given we are at maximum capacity, we currently have a water moratorium, we currently have a drought, we currently have water use restrictions on all residents and according to our public works director Brian Moore as a community we need to go to stage 3 with further restrictions and even monetary penalties… Planning Commission, you can NOT pass these new laws at this time based on knowing you have a real problem and passing it would contradict ordinance 157.388 (D) I repeat: ”Development anticipated to result from the proposed change shall not impair the actual or the legally-designated uses of neighboring properties. (Ord. 80-2, passed 06/14/2010)

Reference for 2022 Water Rate Study, page 14.

 Here is the recent article regarding connecting Nehalem and Manzanita’s water systems. 

Here is the link to the Comprehensive Plan 2019

In order to pass the transportation system plan in July 2023 they amended goal 12:

Buildable Lands Inventory

Housing Needs Analysis

Vision Statement and Aspirations


RL zone density in the new ordinance is doubling.  Currently max is a duplex.  In the new code a fourplex is allowed.


Currently there are no laws prohibiting livestock or poultry anywhere in Nehalem or the UBG.  Although at the July meeting the city lawyer stated ‘farm use’ infers livestock and poultry, she did not point out that in the new code ‘farm use’ will only be allowed in the A1 zone (where they currently raise cattle across from Underhill Lane). REMEMBER #1 in the July Newspaper: 

1. If the city of Nehalem does not say you can do something, it is illegal. 

157.202.02(C) Prohibited Uses. A use not specifically identified as permitted, special permitted or conditionally permitted within a zone, or, otherwise allowed through interpretation, shall be considered a prohibited use. 

Hence, unless grandfathered in you will not be able to have livestock or poultry. To be clear, ‘farm use’ does not apply to all zones, ONLY A1.


A resident of Riverview Meadows mentioned he has a lot in Riverview Meadows phase 1 and that he stated he will be able to build on once the pressure valve is installed. Not true, the water moratorium is still in effect on Riverview Meadows phase 1. Those lots are currently unbuildable.


At the July Planning Commission Hearing regarding the 280 page ordinance being considered, a member of the public asked how these laws would be enforced.  The city lawyer basically said, it doesn’t concern us now.  But it is actually very important.  The current city council, Phil Chick, Hilary Howell, John Coopersmith, Dave Cram and Doug Larzelier, passed ordinance 2023-03 in February that states:

If you violate ANY part of this new ordinance, 

[see Ord 2023-03 Section 1 (C)  “…any City ordinance” ]

in addition to up to a $2,000 per day per occurrence fine

  (minimum is $500)

[see Ord 2023-03 Section 16 (A) 

and Section 5 “…double the maximum penalty”]

 with this new law being passed the city of Nehalem can shut off your water. 

157.101.06(B) Violations and Enforcement. Upon failure to comply with any provision of this Ordinance…[the City] may withhold or withdraw City utility services…[and you] shall be subject to civil penalties…  

The new code enforcement officer, a policeman named Officer Max Halverson, has just been hired and  was introduced to the Manzanita City Council on August 9th. Ordinance 2023-02, which was supposed to focus on short term rentals, defined violations of Nehalem City Code as civil infractions (Section 10).  It also stated all of the new laws created,  things like requiring hand sanitizer in a Go-Bag (Section 8 (C)(4))  are civil infractions.  The minimum fine is $500.  In February the Nehalem council was led to believe Ordinance 2023-03 was for short term rentals.  The Nehalem city council was fooled. This new code enforcement officer has the authority to enforce ALL Nehalem laws per Ord 2023-03 Section 1 (A). They shouldn’t have been fooled. The title of 2023-03 is  Prescribing Civil Infractions; Providing Penalties and Enforcement.  The cities of Manzanita and Nehalem are currently renegotiating a new police contract as was stated by Manzanita’s city manager last week at Manzanita’s city council meeting. 


Manzanita City Council Meeting August: 

Nehalem Ord 2023-03:

Nehalem Ord 2023-02:

July Edition Concerning items:

1. If the city of Nehalem does not say you can do something, it is illegal. 

157.202.02(C) Prohibited Uses. A use not specifically identified as permitted, special permitted or conditionally permitted within a zone, or, otherwise allowed through interpretation, shall be considered a prohibited use. 

This is the opposite of American values.  In America we are free to do things until a law is written to identify it as illegal.  The above is just the opposite and must be eliminated before the new code becomes law.

2. All the rules that apply to the city also apply to every property within the urban growth boundary…even though those people do not get to vote on city items.

(157.101.05 paragraph 2) If you live in the urban growth boundary you should be aware of these new laws.

3. In the new law, fences (157.444 on pages 219-221) between your house and the street can not be higher than 3 feet high (157.444.03 (B) ) and if you do not have a sidewalk you cannot have your fence within 3 feet of your property line (157.444.03 (B) (4)). 

4. No livestock or poultry will be allowed in the city of Nehalem except for those of us who are grandfathered in. In 2020 eighty-four citizens in Nehalem signed the petition to preserve land rights, animal rights and human rights which was submitted and reviewed by the city council in September 2020 where the city of Nehalem backpedaled and stated they were not making any laws against animals.

Petition (pages 18-29):  

Minutes regarding that meeting, page 3:

But this is the new law:

157.445.04 Farm Uses The growing of crops, orchard products, vegetables, or similar food items for personal use shall be permitted. 

Notice that no animals are listed. The new law explicitly states plants are the farm use, animals are purposefully omitted(157.445.04), combining this law with the new law that “if the city does not say you can do it, you can’t (57.202.02(C))”, the city is making raising livestock and poultry illegal.  I am fortunate, I have had a variety of livestock and poultry on my Nehalem property since 1995: horses, cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, turkeys, ducks and hens while focusing on carbon sequestering, regenerative agriculture, and encouraging native species. My rights to have livestock and poultry are grandfathered in.  If you value the right to raise livestock and poultry, please come to the planning commission and make your voice heard. Otherwise, if this law passes and you do not have livestock or hens,  then from August 14th you will not be allowed to have them. 

5. If you are a landowner, you received a postcard saying many zones were being compiled into one.  Where is the Zoning Map?  We have been waiting for it for nearly two years.  As of the June meeting it did not yet exist.

6.  Signs, fences, home occupations, temporary uses, and property line adjustments   to be decided by the city manager only and will be absolutely unappealable.  The city manager is taking power away from the planning commission and the city council and becoming the final decision maker. (157.501.02 & .04)  If this law is passed these land uses will be unappealable. Please come and request that these uses are “Type II” land uses, appealable.

On March 16, 2023 I read the following to the planning commission. The planning commission agreed I was right. The hired city planner also agreed and took it out of the code…the next month the planning commission was canceled. The following month the city manager stated the lawyer said to put it back in. At the meeting I requested this information from the lawyer and no evidence of this was given.  Please come to the council meeting to request it be removed again, these items need to be appealable.

[Beginning of what was read on March 16, 2023]

157.521.01 (E) takes power away from the City Council and the Planning Commission, puts the power in the hands of the City Manager and does not incorporate current Nehalem City Code standards regarding Signs, Fences, Home Occupations, Temporary Uses, Property Line Adjustments and Interpretations. In the new code these will be listed as Type 1 land use actions.

In the current code fences are in Chapter 92. Currently ALL violations of Nehalem City Code Chapter 92 have the right to appeal. Nehalem City Code Chapter 92.17(C) (2) A person responsible…shall file …a written statement … [and] (3) The statement shall be referred to the City Council…

Regarding signs: Current Nehalem City Code Chapter 157.333 Appeals

An applicant may appeal a decision of the City Manager to the City Planning Commission at a regular meeting, or if the decision is rendered by the Planning Commission, to the City Council.

From the new code: “157.521.01 (E) Appeals. Type 1 land use decisions are not appealable.”  (Reflected also in 157.501.02 and .04)

We have a town of less than 300 people in the city limits. It is important for people to feel they can be heard. Being able to appeal is standard good law. Please keep current Nehalem City Code standards and make Type 1 land use decisions appealable: Signs, Fences, Home Occupations, Temporary Uses, Property Line Adjustments and Interpretations.”

[End of what was read on March 16, 2023]

7. Art will be illegal? Yes, creating murals on private property will be illegal….

Remember the first point in this newspaper?  The new law states if the city does not say you can do something, it is illegal. The new code allows murals on commercial and industrial properties only. The under allowed uses the new code states:

157.409.06(H) Murals for commercial and industrial uses.

Thus, murals on private property will no longer be allowed.  See today’s front page photo. This mural  has been on my house for years; in front is my favorite heifer calf.  Currently I am painting a mural of hydrangeas and rosebushes on the east side of my house. If you love art please make your voice heard.

8. Signs greater than 6 square feet will require a permit. (157.409.06 (C))

Political signs placed after August 14th be required to be removed with 14 days after the election. (157.409.06 (I)) (see pages 178-190)

9. It is noteworthy: In February fines were greatly increased.  What used to be $50 to $200 per day has been increased to $500, $750 and $1,000 per day per offense, a code enforcement officer was approved to and if you do not comply you will get double the maximum fine plus court costs, etc. These laws were not passed into law in the correct manner, but were forced through on the very day they were introduced. 

These 280 pages of new laws will be in front of the Planning Commission on Wednesday.  If passed they will go to the City Council the following month and become law on September 11, 2023.

You can see why I am concerned. My goal is to protect all of our rights and freedoms. This is why I: collected 84 signatures for the petition in 2020 to preserve land rights, animal rights and human rights;

inspired four Nehalem citizens to run for the city council, went door to door asking you to vote for them and got Doug and Sandi elected in 2022;

ran for mayor of Nehalem in 2022;

applied to be on the council in 2023; and

applied to be the Nehalem city manager in June.

I strongly encourage your participation at the Thursday July 20th [now August 16th] Planning Commission so that your voice is heard. Please read the Development Ordinance as there will be other issues that are a concern to you.

Thank you,

Mrs. O’Connor, Editor


P.S. You are welcome to come talk with me any time regarding local matters, regenerative agriculture, carbon sequestering, encouraging native species, and to come pet my favorite calf or admire the goats while we talk.

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