Existing Ordinance 157.388 (D) 

“Development anticipated to result from the proposed change shall not impair the actual or the legally-designated uses of neighboring properties. (Ord. 80-2, passed 06/14/2010)”

Per the city manager’s staff report, the planning commission must decide  to recommend or stop the proposed 280 pages of new laws based on criteria in the Nehalem Zoning Ordinance Sections 157.387-157.388.  



A gentleman at the meeting had a good point that he wouldn’t have bought in Riverview Meadows if he had known there would ever be 4 plexes (and it is actually multiplexes that will be approved for all buildable lots for most of the UBG and city of Nehalem, this means apartments).   This argument coupled with the current water moratorium  and current drought, I do not see how they can pass this based on 157.388 (D). The city of Nehalem knows they have a real problem.  Feel free to read last week’s article. 

Feel free to do your own research and I would love it if you would contribute.

Here is the link to the Comprehensive Plan 2019

In order to pass the transportation system plan in July 2023 they amended goal 12

Buildable Lands Inventory

Housing Needs Analysis

Vision Statement and Aspirations

Contact me anytime with any ideas you have. I will research or help anyway I can.


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